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The role of the Agriculture and Food Authority is to regulate, develop and promote scheduled crops value chains for increased economic growth in Kenya.

The Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) is a State Corporation in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives.

The Agriculture and Food Authority Act created the Authority to put the Crops Act into action. The Authority replaced the following institutions:

  • Kenya Coconut Development Authority;
  • Coffee Board of Kenya;
  • Cotton Development Authority;
  • Horticultural Crops Development Authority;
  • Kenya Sisal Board;
  • Kenya Sugar Board;
  • Pyrethrum Board of Kenya;
  • Tea Board of Kenya.

The Authority is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and shall, in its corporate name, be capable of the following–

  • taking, purchasing or otherwise acquiring, holding, charging or disposing of movable and immovable property;
  • borrowing money or making investments;
  • entering into contracts; and
  • doing or performing all other acts or things that a body corporate may lawfully do or perform for the proper performance of its functions under the Agriculture and Food Authority Act
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Functions of the Agriculture and Food Authority

In consultation with the county governments, the functions of the Agriculture and Food Authority in Kenya are as follows–

  • administer the Crops Act, following the provisions of these Acts;
  • regulate and promote best practices the production, processing, marketing, grading, storage, collection, transportation and warehousing of agricultural products excluding livestock products as may be provided for under the Crops Act;
  • collect and collate data, maintain a database on agricultural products excluding livestock products, documents and monitor agriculture through registration of players as provided for in the Crops Act;
  • be in charge of selecting research priorities and providing general advice on research on agriculture;
  • advise the national government and the county governments on agricultural levies for purposes of planning, enhancing harmony and equity in the sector;
  • carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Agriculture and Food Authority Act, the Crops Act, and any written law while respecting the roles of the two levels of governments.

Powers of the Agriculture and Food Authority

The Agriculture and Food Authority shall have all powers necessary to carry out its responsibilities under the Agriculture and Food Act, including, but not limited to, the ability to–

  • enter into contracts;
  • manage, govern, and administer its assets in such a way and for such purposes as to best promote the Authority’s stated objective;
  • determine the provisions to be made for its capital and recurrent expenditure and for the reserves of the Authority;
  • receive any grants, gifts, donations, or endowments and legally disburse them;
  • to form alliances with any entities or organizations within or outside Kenya that it deems desirable or acceptable in support of the Authority’s goals;
  • open such bank accounts for its funds as may be necessary;
  • invest any funds of the Authority not immediately required for its purposes;
  • undertake any activity necessary for the fulfilment of any of its functions.

Management of the Agriculture and Food Authority

The management of the Agriculture and Food Authority shall vest in a Board which shall consist of the following members–

  • a non-executive chairman appointed by the President;
  • the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for agriculture;
  • the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for finance;
  • the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for lands;
  • eight persons, being farmers representing farmer organizations in the major crop subsectors in Kenya appointed by the Cabinet Secretary in consultation with the Council of County Governors;
  • the Director-General, who shall be the secretary to the Board and chief executive officer of the Agriculture and Food Authority.

For more information about the Agriculture and Food Authority, see the Agriculture and Food Authority Act(External Link) and visit their website.