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(1) Parliament shall by legislation ensure that county governments have adequate support to enable them to perform their functions.

(2) County governments shall operate financial management systems that comply with any requirements prescribed by national legislation.

(3) Parliament shall, by legislation, provide for intervention by the national government if a county government–

  • (a) is unable to perform its functions; or
  • (b) does not operate a financial management system that complies with the requirements prescribed by national legislation.

(4) Legislation under clause (3) may, in particular, authorise the national government–

  • (a) to take appropriate steps to ensure that the county government’s functions are performed and that it operates a financial management system that complies with the prescribed requirements; and
  • (b) if necessary, to assume responsibility for the relevant functions.

(5) The legislation under clause (3) shall –

  • (a) require notice to be given to a county government of any measures that the national government intends to take;
  • (b) permit the national government to take only measures that are necessary;
  • (c) require the national government, when it intervenes, to take measures that will assist the county government to resume full responsibility for its functions; and
  • (d) provide for a process by which the Senate may bring the intervention by the national government to an end.