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(1) This Chapter applies to the commissions specified in clause (2) and the independent offices specified in clause (3), except to the extent that this Constitution provides otherwise.

(2) The commissions are–

  • (a) the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission;
  • (b) the National Land Commission;
  • (c) the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission;
  • (d) the Parliamentary Service Commission;
  • (e) the Judicial Service Commission;
  • (f) the Commission on Revenue Allocation;
  • (g) the Public Service Commission;
  • (h) the Salaries and Remuneration Commission;
  • (i) the Teachers Service Commission; and
  • (j) the National Police Service Commission.

(3) The independent offices are–

  • (a) the Auditor-General; and
  • (b) the Controller of Budget.