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(1) A State officer shall behave, whether in public and official life, in private life, or in association with other persons, in a manner that avoids–

  • (a) any conflict between personal interests and public or official duties;
  • (b) compromising any public or official interest in favour of a personal interest; or
  • (c) demeaning the office the officer holds.

(2) A person who contravenes clause (1), or Article 76, 77 or 78 (2)–

  • (a) shall be subject to the applicable disciplinary procedure for the relevant office; and
  • (b) may, in accordance with the disciplinary procedure referred to in paragraph (a), be dismissed or otherwise removed from office.

(3) A person who has been dismissed or otherwise removed from office for a contravention of the provisions specified in clause (2) is disqualified from holding any other State office.