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(1) Parliament shall enact legislation to provide for–

  • (a) the delimitation by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission of electoral units for election of members of the National Assembly and county assemblies;
  • (b) the nomination of candidates;
  • (c) the continuous registration of citizens as voters;
  • d) the conduct of elections and referenda and the regulation and efficient supervision of elections and referenda, including the nomination of candidates for elections; and
  • (e) the progressive registration of citizens residing outside Kenya, and the progressive realisation of their right to vote.

(2) Legislation required by clause (1) (d) shall ensure that voting at every election is–

  • (a) simple;
  • (b) transparent; and
  • (c) takes into account the special needs of–
    • (i) persons with disabilities; and
    • (ii) other persons or groups with special needs.