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(1) The National Assembly represents the people of the constituencies and special interests in the National Assembly.

(2) The National Assembly deliberates on and resolves issues of concern to the people.

(3) The National Assembly enacts legislation in accordance with Part 4 of this Chapter.

(4) The National Assembly –

  • (a) determines the allocation of national revenue between the levels of government, as provided in Part 4 of Chapter Twelve;
  • (b) appropriates funds for expenditure by the national government and other national State organs; and
  • (c) exercises oversight over national revenue and its expediture.

(5) The National Assembly–

  • (a) reviews the conduct in office of the President, the Deputy President and other State officers and initiates the process of removing them from office; and
  • (b) exercises oversight of State organs.

(6) The National Assembly approves declarations of war and extensions of states of emergency.