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(1) Each House of Parliament may establish committees, and shall make Standing Orders for the orderly conduct of its proceedings, including the proceedings of its committees.

(2) Parliament may establish joint committees consisting of members of both Houses and may jointly regulate the procedure of those committees.

(3) The proceedings of either House are not invalid just because of–

  • (a) a vacancy in its membership; or
  • (b) the presence or participation of any person not entitled to be present at, or to participate in, the proceedings of the House.

(4) When a House of Parliament considers any appointment for which its approval is required under this Constitution or an Act of Parliament–

  • (a) the appointment shall be considered by a committee of the relevant House;
  • (b) the committee’s recommendation shall be tabled in the House for approval; and
  • (c) the proceedings of the committee and the House shall be in public.