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The Basic Education Act of states the functions of the County Education Board in Kenya. The County Education Board is an agent of the National Education Board.

Section 18 of the Basic Education Act contains the functions of the County Education Board in Kenya.

The Cabinet Secretary (CS) mentioned in this article refers to the one in charge of basic education and training matters.

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Functions of the County Education Board in Kenya

The functions of the County Education Board shall be to–

  • oversee in consultation with the county government, the operation and management of youth polytechnics, pre-primary education including early childhood care and education programmes in the county;
  • coordinate and monitor education and training in the County on behalf of the national government and the county government;
  • interpret national policies in education based on the county’s needs;
  • initiate proposals for policy reforms;
  • plan, promote, develop, and coordinate education, training and research in the county in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Education Act, the national education policy and the laws and policies of the county government;
  • collaborate with the Board of Management, the Principal, the Head Teacher, and other appropriate authorities in the management of basic schools;
  • register and maintain a data bank of all education and training institutions within the county;
  • monitor curriculum implementation in basic education in the county;
  • monitor the conduct of examinations and assessments at the basic education and training levels in the county in collaboration with all the relevant national bodies;
  • collaborate with the Teachers Service Commission on teacher management within the county;
  • prepare and submit a comprehensive school termly annual report including Educational Management Information System data to the Cabinet Secretary on all areas of its mandate including education and training services, curriculum, policy implementation and school-based audit report within the County;
  • coordinate with all relevant agencies to ensure that all the barriers to the right to quality education are removed and with National Government to facilitate the realization of the right to education within the county;
  • put measures in place to ensure all children and the youth of school-going age within the county attend and stay in to complete basic education.
  • perform such other functions as may be necessary for the better carrying out of the functions of the county education board under the Basic Education Act or any other written law.

In carrying out its functions, the County Education Board shall work in consultation and cooperation with the National Education Board.

Members of the County Education Board

The members of the County Education Board in Kenya are a Chairperson Chairperson and twelve other members appointed by the Cabinet Secretary through an open and competitive process and shoulf include–

  • an educationist of at least five years standing based in the county;
  • the County Director of Education or their representative who shall be the Secretary to the County Education Board;
  • a representative of the county executive in charge of education;
  • a representative of the Teachers Service Commission;
  • where applicable, one person each representing–
    • jointly, the National Council of Churches of Kenya and the Evangelical Fellowship of Kenya;
    • the Kenya Episcopal Conference; and
    • the Muslims Education Council;
  • a representative of the association of private schools;
  • two representatives of a trade union representing the interest of teachers;
  • two representatives of parents teachers association;
  • a representative of persons with disability;
  • two members nominated by the following bodies–
    • the Primary School Head Teachers’ Association; and
    • the Secondary School Principals Association.
  • a representative of a child rights organization.

In appointing persons as Chairperson and members of the County Education Board, the Cabinet Secretary shall observe the principle of gender equity, regional, ethnic and religious balance, transparency, openness and competitiveness.

In appointing persons as Chairperson and members of the County Education Board, the Cabinet Secretary shall also have due regard to the principle of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.

All members of the County Education Board shall have a minimum qualification of secondary education certificate.

For more about the County Education Board, see the Basic Education Act(External Link).