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The functions of the Clerk of the National Assembly in Kenya are both procedural and administrative. Article 128 of the Kenyan Constitution establishes the office of the Clerks of Parliament. The Parliamentary Service Commission shall appoint the Clerk with the approval of the National Assembly.

The Parliamentary Services Act contains further provisions on the office of the Clerk of the National Assembly.

See part two of this article, the role of the Senate Clerk.

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Qualifications for the clerk of the National Assembly in Kenya

A person shall qualify for appointment as a Clerk of the National Assembly if that person –

  • is a citizen of Kenya;
  • holds a degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • has proof of at least ten years experience in senior management and leadership position in public affairs;
  • demonstrates flair and a good understanding of parliamentary practice and procedure; and
  • meets the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution on leadership and integrity.

The Parliamentary Service Commission shall appoint the Clerk of the National Assembly for a term of five years and is eligible for re-appointment for one further term of five years.

Functions of the Clerk of the National Assembly in Kenya

The functions of the Clerk of the National Assembly in Kenya are as follows.

Administrative functions of the clerk

The Clerk shall be responsible to the Parliamentary Service Commission for –

  • the day-to-day management and functioning of the National Assembly;
  • executing the decisions of the Commission relating to the National Assembly;
  • the overall management of the staff of the National Assembly following Article 128(2) of the Constitution and in particular, shall be the authorised officer responsible for advising the Commission and implementing the Commission resolutions on all matters relating to -
    • the appointment, promotion, and discipline of the members of staff of the Clerk;
    • the assignment of duties, supervision and training of the staff of the Clerk; and
    • the deployment of staff of the Clerk to serve in any other area in the parliamentary service;
  • preparing and submitting the programmes necessary to achieve the mandate of the National Assembly for the Commission to approve; and
  • performing such other duties as the Commission might determine or any other written law may provide for.

procedural functions of the clerk

The procedural functions of the Clerk shall include –

  • rendering expert, non-partisan and impartial advice to the members of the National Assembly on the legislative process, and parliamentary procedure and practice; and
  • carrying out such other duties and exercising powers as the law may confer upon them or by the Standing Orders and practices of the National Assembly.

The Clerk of the National Assembly shall be under the direction of the National Assembly Speaker when carrying out the functions the Standing Orders and practices of the National Assembly confer upon them. In the absence or incapacity of the Speaker, the Clerk shall be under the direction of the Deputy Speaker.

The Deputy Clerk shall carry out the functions of the Clerk in their absence or incapacity.

Suspension of the clerk

The Parliamentary Service Commission may remove or suspend the Clerk of the National Assembly in Kenya for–

  • inability to perform the functions of the office, whether arising from infirmity of body or mind;
  • gross misconduct or misbehaviour;
  • incompetence;
  • bankruptcy;
  • violation of the provisions of the Constitution, including Chapter Six of the Constitution; or
  • violation of the provisions of the Parliamentary Service Act and any other written law.

For more information about the Clerk of the National Assembly, see Sections 25-31 of the Parliamentary Service Act(External Link).

Also read about the role of the Senate Clerk.